Preliminary eligibility statuses for School Selection are now available.
Log in to your application to view results, and learn more about the Review window HERE.

Participate in the Facilities Planning Process – Take the Feedback Survey or Attend a Community Conversation.

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Welcome to Edward Gideon School


Edward Gideon Community Partnership School


We need headphones for our Digital Literacy Lab.

Please CLICK HERE to donate . Thank you!

Our Vision Statement

For all children, regardless of race, ethnic background, language, religion, disability, gender or socioeconomic status, to have a great school in the community, close to where they live.

Our Mission Statement

At Gideon, we will work collaboratively with the community and stakeholders to provide skills and resources for all students and their families to become lifelong learners, effective leaders, and productive engaged citizens.

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

Dr. Shauneille Taylor,  Principal

A message from Dr. Taylor …

Ms. Brenee’ Waters, Asst. Principal

A message from Ms. Waters …